Do You Know What a Didgeridoo Is?
Do you know what a didgeridoo is? There are so many things in this life that are unknown to us. I bet you could find out about something outside your normal sphere of vision and experience everyday for the rest of your life and still not get close to knowing about everything out there. Not to mention the number of things we don't know about our own internal selves-physical, emotional, spiritual and mental realities that are still unaware to us. That's another story however, let's stick to the external in this article. I play the didgeridoo. It's a sacred Australian Aborigine instrument, arguably one of the oldest instruments in humankind's long history. If you type didgeridoo into your search engine you will see hundreds of sites about this thing that you've never even heard of. You don't know how many people I've mentioned it to around the world that never have even heard the word. One site I found to be quite thorough and useful was: http://www.echot...