Remember That Even Experienced Pilots Use a Checklist.
To create a successful Facebook ad campaign, it's important to follow some sort of structure so that you don't miss anything important. Remember that even experienced pilots use a checklist to ensure that they don't forget anything that is necessary. You aren't in charge of 300 souls, but you still want to use a checklist to ensure that you don't miss out on anything. Define Your USP A unique selling point or a unique selling proposition is what makes you different from others who may be in the same market as you. It's important that you define this for yourself. Know Who Your Audience Is Who wants what you have to offer? Who needs your solutions? You need to know so that you can properly segment your audience, not to mention create better products and services. Pick Representative Images When choosing images it's important to choose some that get attention but also are representative of the tone, image, and market you want to represent. Develop Ad Titles W...